
Provide your customers with AI, out-of-the-box

In today's fast-paced world, you don't want to leave your customers guessing. Provide instant access to all the information they need with trustworthy, referenced searches from your curated content.

Get up to speed with AI swiftly and scale it as you like. A favorite starting point for new TekstiAI users is to enable our system to crawl their website, allowing customers to ask referenced questions directly from the site content. This approach is incredibly effective for companies seeking a proof of concept for their AI strategy, and for companies who want immediate tangible AI benefits from hour one.

You can find widget documentation here.

At best, it's this easy to implement:

<script src="https://cdn.teksti.ai/widget/tekstiai-embed-widget-v0.9.9.js"></script>
<tekstiai-widget api-key="your-api-key"></tekstiai-widget>


How does TekstiAI work?

Embark on a journey of seamless interactivity and intelligent insights with our application. Designed to cater to your organizational needs, our platform encompasses a range of features allowing you to harness the full potential of AI while ensuring data integrity and user-centric customization.

Here’s a step-by-step guide on how to navigate through and make the most out of our application.

1. Add Context by Uploading Your Documents

Your documents are the key to personalized and insightful AI interactions. Upload them easily from your local drive or OneDrive to provide a foundation for intelligent questioning:

  • Bulk Upload: Add multiple documents at once to save time and effort.
  • Environment Specification: Assign documents to specific environments to maintain organized access and relevance.
  • Browse and Manage: Easily browse through your documents and delete any when necessary.

2. Personalize the Experience with Prompts

Craft a tailored AI experience by creating and managing prompts that guide the interaction flow:

  • Scope Definition: Set the scope of your prompts to Personal, Environment, or Organisation level to control accessibility and relevance.
  • Prompt Management: Browse through, edit, or delete prompts as per your needs.

3. Take Care of Data Hygiene with Environments

Maintain a clean and secure data ecosystem by creating and managing environments:

  • Environment Creation: Define separate environments for better data organization and access control.
  • User Assignment: Add users to environments, and designate admin status for enhanced control.
  • Admin Status Toggling: Easily toggle admin status for users within an environment for flexible management.

4. Ask Away!

With your documents in place and prompts ready, dive into a world of AI-driven question-answering:

  • Log In Seamlessly: Use email/password or social logins like Microsoft or Google for easy access.
  • Engage with AI: Utilize the contextual understanding provided by your documents and prompts to get insightful answers to your queries.
  • Historical Interaction Access: Revisit your question-answer history to build upon previous interactions.

Profile and User Management

Manage your profile and organizational users effortlessly:

  • Profile Updates: Change your name, reset your password, and manage your login seamlessly.
  • User Management: Add users to your organisation, assign admin statuses, and manage environment assignments for a well-structured user hierarchy.

Embrace a smarter way of interacting with data and garnering insights with our intuitive and user-friendly application. Whether you are tech-savvy or new to digital interfaces, our application is crafted to provide a smooth and enriching user experience.